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A view of the upper lakes and mountains in Waterton, Alberta

What people are saying about JacTracks

Here is a collection of REAL reviews by REAL people who used JacTracks for their Alberta adventures. These are genuine newbie-Albertan travelers who utilized JacTracks for all or part of their trip planning!

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Anastasi Saluk riding a horse in Waterton, Alberta.

Anastasia Saluk

From: Oakville, ON

Travelling with JacTracks is comparable to a Contiki tour! I’ve done two trips to Alberta using information from JacTracks and my holidays surpassed anything I could’ve done on my own.

My first trip was solely to Banff, while my second was around southern Alberta (Drumheller & Waterton), Banff and a day-trip to Golden, BC. The itineraries for both trips provided by JacTracks were meticulously detailed, from accommodations to dining to excursions. Everything was planned for me so all I needed to worry about was creating and capturing memories!

A major concern for me was tourist attractions hampered by large crowds, but JacTracks gave me information on travel and times to maximize my experience. I enjoyed popular sites like Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, and the Banff Gondola without being rushed, stuck in lines, or missing an opportunity for a breathtaking photo. To top it off, I was even given insight to places only known by locals!

Another huge help for me was what to pack - hiking in Ontario is wayyyy different from hiking in Alberta, and my gear went beyond a standard first aid kit and proper footwear. I felt safe, prepared and confident on every trail.

I look forward to my next JacTracks adventure!

Stuffed Buffalos in the Head Smashed In Buffalo jump museum in Fort Mcleod, Alberta

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Mountain sheep on the road in Jasper, Alberta

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